- dnf install net-snmp-devel
- pip install easysnmp
from easysnmp import Session
Create an SNMP session to be used for all our requests
session = Session(hostname=’demo.snmplabs.com’, community=’public’, version=2)
You may retrieve an individual OID using an SNMP GET
location = session.get(‘sysLocation.0’)
You may also specify the OID as a tuple (name, index)
Note: the index is specified as a string as it can be of other types than
just a regular integer
contact = session.get((‘sysContact’, ‘0’))
And of course, you may use the numeric OID too
description = session.get(‘.’)
Set a variable using an SNMP SET
session.set(‘sysLocation.0’, ‘The SNMP Lab’)
Perform an SNMP walk
system_items = session.walk(‘system’)
Each returned item can be used normally as its related type (str or int)
but also has several extended attributes with SNMP-specific information
for item in system_items:
print ‘{oid}.{oid_index} {snmp_type} = {value}’.format(